Mike Wolfe

Groomsman Mike Wolfe with Robert

The photo above captures Mike and Robert’s relationship really well. Perhaps it’s due to their size difference, or their mutual respect, but they have always enjoyed showing off their physical strength around one another.

Don’t take my word for it, here’s another example:

groomsman mike and robert boxing

And another:

groomsman mike giving robert piggy back ride

It’s fitting that they met each other back in 7th grade (that was in 1998 for all of you adults out there) on the field during football practice. Robert was eager to make friends with anyone who outweighed him (everyone) and was excited to learn how cool of a dude Mike really was. From that point forward there were many paintball excursions, Frisbee tournaments, basketball games, snowboarding adventures, poker nights and of course Mike and Sarah’s wedding day 5 years ago…

In fact, Robert will never forget how hot it was on that July summer day at Beaver Lake Park. He’s working on a payback plan to get Mike to sweat even half as much…stay tuned!