Kassidy Warren

Kassidy Groomsman with Robert in Vegas

Like Matt, Kassidy and Robert met at pool night shortly after Kassidy moved up to the Seattle area from Chico, CA. In fact, Kassidy had applied for a transfer from the Chico Best Buy to the Northgate Best Buy. Unfortunately, Northgate was already overstaffed. Robert often times wonders what it would have been like to work with Kassidy. They probably could have taken over the world…

One of the many memories Robert shares with Kassidy is being a groomsman at Kassidy and Erin’s wedding on Orcas Island. He probably could have eaten 5 of those delicious pizzas to help offset his keg stands!

kassidy warrens groomsmen

A common interest they share is a fondness of rhymes and alliterations. In fact, they’ve created a fairly complex backstory to Peter Piper and why he was picking a peck of pickled peppers to begin with. They concluded that it was probably because Peter isn’t pretentious and is predisposed to picking pickled peppers from his prolonged family pilgrimage.

Kass is one of Robert’s closest friends and one of the most driven and hardworking people he has met. Cheers to being awesome, weird and playing Connect Four for the rest of our lives!

robert and kassidy playing connect 4