David Hirotaka

Groomsman David Hirotaka and Robert

Robert had the pleasure of being one of David’s Groomsmen when he said “I do” to Kayla Griffith back in 2013! Life has come full circle and Robert is pumped that David is going to be part of Kate and his wedding day as well.

David's Groomsmen

Dave is one of those people that has a natural ability to light up a room. Unless, of course, he’s watching the Mariners lose. Who can blame him? Each are huge Seahawks fans and share an affinity for Ultimate Frisbee. In fact, Dave played a huge role in giving Robert the ability to brag about winning 2nd in state for their High School frisbee team back in 04′. Robert has even gone on to hold on to their trophy for the past 12 years!

The first time Robert went snowboarding, Dave was there to wait for him at the bottom of the mountain. In fact, Robert distinctly remembers David and Mike taking him to the top of Alpental at the Summit and letting him learn by doing (or falling all the way down a black diamond run – however you want to describe it).

Robert looks forward to creating many more memories with David and is curious how many Hondas are going to perish under his watch.